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Developing therapeutic innovations that can significantly improve and extend people’s lives.

In 2010, 60 Degrees Pharmaceuticals began its mission to build a better world by undertaking research and action focused on aiding in the prevention of infectious diseases. In 2022, we are continuing this mission with a broader focus on product development and commercialization for infectious diseases.

Escalating malaria care around the world

Escalating malaria care to people in need around the world

Advancing therapies for the prevention of malaria.

Meeting the global dengue endemic

Meeting the global challenges of dengue

There is an unmet medical need for dengue fever treatment.

For the Investment Community

For the investment community

We are committed to serving the best interests of our investors.

Our team is committed to creating innovative, potentially lifesaving medicines to significantly impact the quality of life for those affected by infectious diseases worldwide.


Annual deaths from malaria globally


Travelers to malaria endemic regions per annum


Annual dengue infections globally


1025 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036